Digitize to Optimize

Work Order Management


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Keeping essential systems up and running.

Minimizing downtime while maximizing maintenance budgets. Ensuring completion in a timely manner. Making sure the right people, parts and processes are in place. Coordinating a host of moving targets. And doing it all so seamlessly that clinicians, patients and other stakeholders notice nothing except a smoothly functioning environment. This is the work order management conundrum that Vytal helps to solve.

An asset inventory that monitors and manages itself.

Vytal equips you to create a full inventory of all assets, tagging and classifying each piece of equipment in a standardized way – so you can see all of your assets holistically. Once entered into the system, maintenance recommendations and scheduling are automatically established – generating timely work orders.

A platform that lightens your load.

We offer the unique benefit of an interactive walkthrough and reference guide built into the platform that updates as you navigate – virtually eliminating an operators need for one-on-one platform training. 

Keeping you ready – always.

The advanced intelligence of our platform helps you streamline equipment maintenance and drive efficient facility operations by being proactive rather than reactive. With timely equipment monitoring you’re able to stay ahead of the preventive maintenance curve and be forward-looking with your business decisions. Vytal is your toolset that’s truly equal to the task at hand.

what you can do

  • Holistic view with all-asset inventory & tracking
  • Auto-maintenance recommendations & scheduling
  • Sensors for real-time asset monitoring
  • Failures predicted – and maintenance ordered to prevent them
  • Interactive instructions & training to optimize platform use
  • Data science & machine learning for real-time intelligence

how you can benefit

  • Comprehensive visibility across all assets
  • Identify and solve problems before they happen
  • Increase performance of facilities operations
  • Streamline workload and communications
  • Reduce remediation costs
  • Enhance accuracy of risk assessment for quality standards and rebates

Vytal is always advancing.

We’re providing new opportunities for you to take advantage of at every stage. We lead industry investments in data science and machine learning – which translate into more thorough predictive maintenance, more functionality, and greater insight and intelligence into how your operations work best.

Let's start with hello

Learn more about what we do.

Better align budgets with spend, optimizing your resources with centralized digital documentation and applied analytics.
Adapt to a changing climate by better understanding how to protect your core assets, while being compliant with an emerging regulatory landscape.
Be confident with compliance in life safety and environment of care, by shifting to a digital platform that ensures a constant state of readiness.