Asset Lifecycle Management

Adopt intelligent facility maintenance and optimize operations – with real-time equipment monitoring and data.


Health Care

Save Time with Process Automation 

Improve Environment of Care

Maximize Asset Lifespan

Assure Regulatory Compliance

Unify Mobile and Web Platforms

Keeping essential systems up and running.

Minimizing downtime while maximizing maintenance budgets. Ensuring completion in a timely manner. Making sure the right people, parts and processes are in place. Our platform prepares you to address your priorities. Leverage our established preventative maintenance schedule library to streamline equipment maintenance – maximizing asset life and sustaining the overall health of the asset. Or add your own custom preventative schedules to best address the specific requirements of your assets.


Classify your assets with a smarter inventory system.

Our unique three-tiered classification system tags and classifies each piece of equipment in a standardized way. It then automatically generates maintenance recommendations and scheduling – issuing timely work orders so you’re always one step ahead. You also get a single repository of historical KPIs and maintenance schedules, so you can track each asset over time.

Adopt best practices and be confident in compliance.

With the Vytal platform, the promise of “proactive not reactive” is finally realized – preparing you to address any potential regulatory issues before an audit occurs. Once you’ve added assets into the Vytal platform, simply complete the mock compliance survey. You’re able to generate lists and reports on assets, along with related work orders and schedules for auditing and compliance, based on the Joint Commission and DNV standards.

Lighten your load with our platform.

The platform gets you up and working at full capacity, fast. Your users benefit from a unique interactive walkthrough and reference guide. It’s built directly into the platform and updates as you navigate – virtually eliminating the need for one-on-one platform training.

Save Time with Process Automation

  • Real-time data insightsoptimize facility operations
  • Three-tiered asset classification system supports automated maintenance scheduling and a historical view of each asset

Improve Environment of Care

  • Auto-maintenance recommendations and schedule make staff more productive and focused on strategic decision-making
  • Proper preventative maintenance improves business continuity by keeping essential spaces up and running with fewer break/fix disruptions
  • Real-time awareness of how systems are functioning supports the delivery of a better and more consistent occupant experience

Maximize Asset Lifespan with Proactive Maintenance and Real-time Monitoring

  • Sensors for real-time monitoring are built in
  • All-asset inventory and tracking enables a holistic view
  • Failures are predicted – and maintenance ordered to prevent them

Assure Regulatory Compliance

  • Automated work orders are generated based on mock compliance survey
  • Asset data informs rebate availability

Unify Mobile and Web Platforms

  • Interactive instructions and training optimize use
  • Data science and machine learning provide real-time intelligence

Keeping you ready – always.

Vytal is always advancing, so there are new opportunities for you to take advantage of at every stage. We lead industry investments in data science and machine learning – so you get the latest in predictive maintenance. The advanced intelligence of our platform prepares you to stay ahead of the maintenance curve and be more forward-looking with your operational decisions.

Talk to an expert for a free assessment.

Learn more about what we do.

Better align budgets with spend, optimizing your resources with centralized digital documentation and applied analytics.
Adapt to a changing climate by better understanding how to protect your core assets, while being compliant with an emerging regulatory landscape.
Be confident with compliance in life safety and environment of care, by shifting to a digital platform that ensures a constant state of readiness.